In the last month, our Creative Recovery and Resilience Residency artists were inducted into their new workspaces at Belco Arts and University of Canberra (UC). The artists got to check out the awesome resources in Workshop 7 on the UC campus and explore a diverse range of creative spaces at Belco Arts including The Theatre, Rehearsal Room and Dance Studio. Stay tuned for updates as the artists continue to develop their practices in these spaces.
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UC and Belco Arts’ Creative Recovery and Resilience Residencies for Cross-Sector Engagement and Digital Innovation are programs that model distinct ways to cultivate long-term relationships and professional development, which can have an enduring impact for participating artists and organisations.
This project is part of the ACT Government’s Creative Recovery and Resilience Program.
🙌 Artists: @zorapang @melahhnee @dev0tion111 @kirsten_wehner @miri.yamyam
@uc_cccr @act_government @artsact_
#CreativeRecoveryAndResilienceResidencies #CreativeRecoveryAndResilience #BelcoArts #BelconnenArtsCentre #UC #ArtistResidency #CBRArts