The Skills Caravan is pulling into an arts centre near you! This series responds to identified skills and knowledge needs in our ACT creative sector, presenting three separate events in three regions of Canberra across three dates in 2022.
Our final Caravan was hosted by Tuggeranong Arts Centre and was aimed at emerging artists (of all ages) and creatives in Canberra’s southern districts.
The event included an Artists Lab 101, explored a community-led approach to engaging communities, a ground-up approach to accessibly arts, and some fun with DJ sets in our day-disco.
Activities and artists:
Accessibility in projects: How to build access into work as an element, rather than layered on top, with Ruth O’Brien.
Engaging communities: Art walk and talk around Tuggeranong Creek, with Kirsten Wehner.
Day disco with DJ Ghos7
Artist Lab 101: Ketura Budd and Miriam Slater respond to questions about negotiating contracts, establishing practice, self promo and other burning topics.